RePeat Rug

A truly sustainable take on textiles, RePeat rugs are hand tufted from recycled plastic through an innovative process that creates a carbon-neutral fiber. RePeat rugs are wear-and-tear resistant, and look and feel just like wool.
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RePeat collection represents an innovative and sustainable take on textiles. Handtufted from recycled plastic (rPET), with an additional OEKO-TEX cotton layer on the backside, making it suitable for any type of floor.

A lightweight fibre obtained from the material produced through the process of recovery and reuse of PET, presents a high resistance to wear and tear, and offers good thermal properties, which makes it a perfect choice for textiles at home and commercial settings. The composition makes the RePeat rugs both earth-friendly and easy to care for. The fibre resists stains, mold, mildew and moisture. You can clean them simply by using a garden hose or spot clean with a damp sponge.

160cm x 230cm / 5.58ft x 7.87ft
200cm x 300cm / 6.56ft x 9.84ft
250cm x 350cm / 8.3ft x 11.48ft
Ø 300 cm / Ø 9.84ft

Materials Recycled PET yarn, 100% oeko-tex cotton

Pile height 15-18 mm