Monte Rug

A harmonious fusion of elegance and resilience, Monte rugs are hand-knotted from high quality merino wool fibers in a unique geometric pattern. Monte is biodegradable, resistant to wear, and — most importantly — luxuriously soft.
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The Monte rug is made of high-quality Marino Wool fibers, which give a luxurious and durable rug. Different pile heights in unique geometric shapes create an elegant pattern with a luxuriously deep and sumptuous texture. Merino sheep grow the most opulent and soft fleece, that is famed for its fineness and delightful touch. The softness that Merino wool brings to carpet in no way diminishes performance. As in all wool, Merino wool is natural, sustainable, renewable and biodegradable. Merino wool carpet is naturally stain, soil and crush resistant.

170cm x 240cm / 5.58ft x 7.87ft
200cm x 300cm / 6.56ft x 9.84ft
250cm x 350cm / 8.2ft x 9.84ft

Material 100% Merino wool